NBT Tags

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NBT tags are used to specify information for items and entities created with the "/give", "/summon", "/tellraw" (for the JSON message), "/fill", "/blockdata{Until 1.13}", "/setblock", and "/clear" commands.

Each Tag has the format <tagname>:<value>. Tag names are case-sensitive. The payloads of List Tags are enclosed in square brackets [...], with each additional unnamed Tag separated by a comma. The payloads of Compound Tags are enclosed in braces {...}, with each additional Named Tag separated by a comma - Note that the entire entity data tag is itself an unnamed Compound Tag.

You can find a lot of tag names, especially in entities and block entities by using the "/data get entity" or /data get block command.

How To Get Them?[edit | edit source]

To get the NBT tag of a specific entity (for example, creeper), you use the command /data get entity @e[type=creeper,limit=1] to get the full data of the creeper itself. For more specific selectors, see Commands

Tag Basics[edit | edit source]

Structure of a Tag[edit | edit source]

First off, each tag has three parts:

tagType (byte, 0-12)
name (TAG_String)
[its payload]

When using commands, the tagType is figured out based on the given name, and the payload is what follows the colon - basically its value. The payload ought to fit the expected syntax. So a tag expecting an integer will not accept a string.

Number types can be denoted with a letter at the end of the value (such as 0b for a byte). Without a letter, the code assumes an integer, which works fine for most numbers but behaves differently. Using a literal integer like this to exceed a type's expected range simply wraps the number back to 0 at the limit.

Tag Types[edit | edit source]

00 TAG_End
Unnamed, no payload, unusable in commands. Used in data storage to mark the end of TAG_Compound.
01 TAG_Byte
Payload: A single signed byte (8 bits)
Ranges from -128 to 127. Used for many booleans.
In Commands: ...b or ...B
02 TAG_Short
Payload: A single signed short integer (2 bytes, big endian)
Ranges from -215 to 215-1
In Commands: ...s or ...S
03 TAG_Int
Payload: A single signed integer (4 bytes, big endian)
Ranges from -231 to 231-1
In Commands: A literal number without a decimal
04 TAG_Long
Payload: A single signed long integer (8 bytes, big endian)
Ranges from -263 to 263-1
In Commands: ...l or ...L
05 TAG_Float
Payload: A floating-point number (4 bytes, big endian, IEEE 754-2008, single precision)
Maxes around 1038.23, or 1.698x1038
In Commands: ...f or ...F, decimal or no decimal
06 TAG_Double
Payload: A floating-point number (8 bytes, big endian, IEEE 754-2008, double precision)
Maxes around 10307.95, or 8.913x10307
In Commands: ...d, ...D, or a decimal number
07 TAG_Byte_Array
Payload: Unnamed TAG_Int (length), then an array of bytes of unspecified format. The length of this array is <length> bytes.
In Commands: [B; <byte>, <byte>, ... ]
(<length> is determined by the length of the given array)
08 TAG_String
Payload: Unnamed TAG_Short (length), then an array of bytes of length <length>. defining a string in UTF-8 format.
In Commands: "<text>"
(<length> is determined by the length of the given text)
Note that as is usual with most strings, if quotes are to be included within the string, escape codes (\") must be used for the inner quotes in commands.
09 TAG_List
Payload: Unnamed TAG_Byte (tagId), unnamed TAG_Int (length), then a sequential list of unnamed Tags of type <tagId>. The length of this array is <length> Tags.
In Commands: [<value>, <value>, ...]
(<length> is determined by the length of the given list)
10 TAG_Compound
Payload: A sequential list of unique Named Tags. This array is terminated by a TAG_End.
Nested Compound Tags are terminated by their own internal End Tags.
In Commands: {<tag name>: <value>, <tag name>: <value>, ... }
(The terminating TAG_End is irrelevant to command usage)
11 TAG_Int_Array
Payload: Unnamed TAG_Int (size), then an array of unnamed TAG_Ints. The length of this array is <size> Tags.
An array of integers.
In Commands: [I; <integer>, <integer>, ... ]
(<size> is determined by the size of the given array)
12 TAG_Long_Array
Payload: Unnamed TAG_Int (size), then an array of unnamed TAG_Longs. The length of this array is <size> Tags.
In Commands: Used as [L; <long>, <long>, ... ]
(<size> is determined by the size of the given array)

Tag Payloads[edit | edit source]

The payload is the data a Tag carries. It might be a number or, in the case of Compound Tags and List Tags, other Tags. In using commands, one simply needs to avoid mismatching expected data types, keep values within expected ranges, and close all brackets [...] and braces {...} that are opened.

For a deeper understanding of payloads, it might help to look at what an example Compound Tag would look like in data.

ON DISK: 00001010 00000000 00000011 01101000 01100001 01101101 00001000 00000000 00000111 01110000 01101001 01100111 01001110 01100001 01101101 01100101 00000000 00000110 01001000 01100001 01101101 01110000 01110101 01110011 00000011 00000000 00000101 01110110 01100001 01101100 01110101 01100101 00000000 00000000 00000000 01111000 00000000
    DEC: 10       0        3        h        a        m        8        0        7        p        i        g        N        a        m        e        0        6        H        a        m        p        u        s        3        0        5        v        a        l        u        e        0        0        0        120      0

       __ ___ _____ _ ___ _____________ ___ ___________ _ ___ _________ _________ _
BYTES: 10 0 3 h a m 8 0 7 p i g N a m e 0 6 H a m p u s 3 0 5 v a l u e 0 0 0 120 0
                   |8: TAG_String      |  payload      |3: TAG_Int     | payload | TAG_End |
    10:TAG_Compound|                                payload                                |

This is understood in the following way. Recall that all named tags have a tagId (1 byte), a name (Unnamed TAG_String), and a payload.

  • The first byte of data read is the tagId. Above is 10, so this represents a TAG_Compound. The next two bytes read are the length of its name. (Two bytes because it expects a short - see Structure of a Tag above.) The given length is 3. Those next 3 bytes read ham. So far it's been revealed that the first Tag is a Compound Tag named "ham". Its payload is everything that follows, until TAG_End.
    • The next byte is 8, so this is a TAG_String. The upcoming unnamed TAG_String tells us it has the 7-byte name of "pigName". Its payload follows.
      • The next short is 6, so the "pigName" has a value that's 6 bytes long. Those bytes read Hampus. The completed first Tag is TAG_String("name"):6 Hampus
    • The next byte is 3, so next is a TAG_Int. It has the 5-byte name of "value". Its payload follows in the next 4 bytes: 120. The next completed Tag is TAG_Int("value"): 120
    • The next byte is 0, so next is a TAG_End.

The completed Compound Tag is as follows:

   TAG_String("pigname"): 6 Hampus,
   TAG_Int("value"): 120,

Using a command to summon a pig with this example tag would look like this:

/summon minecraft:pig ~ ~ ~ {ham:{pigname:"Hampus",value:120}}

List of Entity Data Tags[edit | edit source]

Minecraft code spawns entities with set Tags and values. Entities are themselves saved as tags within the world's chunk data. Every detail about an entity is stored in its data tag. All tags are referenced by the game's code to control entity behaviour.

The following tags are common to all entities.

id: <TAG_String>
Entity ID.
pos: <TAG_List>
[<TAG_Double>, <TAG_Double>, <TAG_Double>]
Three doubles describe current X, Y, Z position of entity
Motion: <TAG_List>
[<TAG_Double>, <TAG_Double>, <TAG_Double>]
Three doubles describe the current dX, dY, dZ velocities of entity (in metres per tick)
Rotation: <TAG_List>
[<TAG_Float>, <TAG_Float>]
Two floats describe entity's rotation in degrees
  • First float is clockwise rotation around the Y axis, with 0° facing in the positive Z direction, or due south. Ranges from 0.0 to 360.0
  • Second float is declination from the horizon. Ranges from -90.0 (upwards) to +90.0 (downwards)
FallDistance: <TAG_Float>
Distance entity has fallen. Fall damage taken scales with this number. 0 for any entity at rest
Fire: <TAG_Short>
Ticks until a burning entity's fire ends. Negative values are how many ticks an entity can stand in fire before burning. -20 for an entity not on fire
Ticks until an entity runs out of air while underwater. While this value is 0 and the entity is underwater, it takes damage. Fills to 300 for any entity above water
OnGround: <TAG_Byte>
0 for false, 1 for true. True when the entity is touching the ground
NoGravity: <TAG_Byte>
0 for false, 1 for true. If true, entity is unaffected by gravity and stops changing Y position
Dimension: <TAG_Int>
0 for the Overworld, -1 for the Nether, and 1 for the End. Only known to be used for player data
Invulnerable: <TAG_Byte>
0 for false, 1 for true. When true, mobs don't take damage from any source and cannot be moved by force. Objects like item frames cannot be destroyed unless a supporting block is removed
PortalCooldown: <TAG_Int>
Number of ticks until the entity may teleport through a nether portal. Starts at 300 ticks
UUIDMost: <TAG_Long>
The most significant 64 bits of this entity's Universally Unique Identifier (UUID).
UUIDLeast: <TAG_Long>
The least significant 64 bits of this entity's Universally Unique Identifier (UUID).
CustomName: <TAG_String>
The entity's custom name string.
In Minecraft Java Edition 1.14, <TAG_String> must itself have quotes, as well as the standard quotes that go around strings. This means that escape codes are needed for the inner ones, so syntax looks like the following, (if one is to name an entity Gerald).
CustomName: "\"Gerald\""
Another way that this works is by setting it to an apparent compound tag specifying a block of text, done this way:
CustomName: "{\"text\":\"Gerald\"}"
CustomNameVisible: <TAG_Byte>
0 for false, 1 for true. If true, this entity's custom name always appears above its head, whether or not the player is looking at it.
Silent: <TAG_Byte>
0 for false, 1 for true. If true, this entity is silent.
Passengers: <TAG_String>
Data for the entity riding this entity.
Glowing: <TAG_Byte>
-0 for false, 1 for true. When true, the entity has a cartoonish, glowing outline.
Tags: <TAG_String>
List of custom data.

Mobs[edit | edit source]

The following tags are common to all mobs

Health: <TAG_Float>
Amount of health an entity has.
AbsorptionAmount: <TAG_Float>
Amount of additional, temporary health added by the Absorption status effect.
HurtTime: <TAG_Short>
Set to 10 when a mob is struck, colouring it red. Decreases by 1 per tick until 0, when the mob turns normal colour again.
HurtByTimestamp: <TAG_Long>
Timestamp in the mob's life when it was last damaged, measured in ticks since its creation.
DeathTime: <TAG_Short>
Number of ticks since the mob's death. 0 for any living mob.
FallFlying: <TAG_Byte>
0 for false, 1 for true. When true and the mob is wearing the elytra, they'll glide.
Attributes: <TAG_List>
[<TAG_Compound>, <TAG_Compound>, ... ]
List of Attributes for a mob.
Attribute Tags
Name: <TAG_String>
Given name for the Attribute. Might be generic.maxHealth or horse.jumpStrength.
Base: <TAG_Double>
Modifiers: <TAG_List>
List of modifiers acting on the Attribute.
Modifier Tags
Name: <TAG_String>
Amount: <TAG_Double>
Operation: <TAG_Int>
UUIDMost: <TAG_Long>
UUIDLeast: <TAG_Long>
ActiveEffects: <TAG_List>
[<TAG_Compound>, <TAG_Compound>, ... ]
List of potion effects.
Effect Tags
Id: <TAG_Byte>
Amplifier: <TAG_Byte>
Duration: <TAG_Int>
Ambient: <TAG_Byte>
ShowParticles: <TAG_Byte>
ShowIcon: <TAG_Byte>
HandItems: <TAG_List>
[<TAG_Compound>, <TAG_Compound>]
Describes items the entity is holding. These Compound Tags have Tags Common to All Items. Slot is discluded.
<TAG_Compound 0>: The item held in the mob's main hand.
<TAG_Compound 1>: The item held in the mob's off-hand.
ArmorItems: <TAG_List>
[<TAG_Compound>, <TAG_Compound>, ... ]
What the entity is wearing. These Compound Tags have Tags Common to All Items. Slot is discluded.
<TAG_Compound 0>: The item worn on the feet.
<TAG_Compound 1>: The item worn on the legs.
<TAG_Compound 2>: The item worn on the chest.
<TAG_Compound 3>: The item worn on the head.
HandDropChances: <TAG_List>
ArmorDropChances: <TAG_List>
DeathLootTable: <TAG_String>
DeathLootTableSeed: <TAG_Long>
CanPickUpLoot: <TAG_Byte>
NoAI: <TAG_Byte>
PersistenceRequired: <TAG_Byte>
LeftHanded: <TAG_Byte>
Team: <TAG_String>
Leashed: <TAG_Byte>
Leash: <TAG_Compound>

Mobs That Breed[edit | edit source]

Mobs that can breed include Cows, Chickens, Pigs, Sheep, Villagers, Cats, and Dogs.
InLove: <TAG_Int>
Counts down number of ticks until this mob stops searching for a mate. Default 0 for a mob not doing so.
Age: <TAG_Int>
Age of the mob in ticks. When less than 0 and counting up, represents a baby mob. Adult mobs use this value to count down how many ticks until it can breed again.
ForcedAge: <TAG_Int>
LoveCauseLeast: <TAG_Long>
Least significant bits of the UUID for the entity that caused this animal to breed
LoveCauseMost: <TAG_Long>
Most significant bits of the UUID for the entity that caused this animal to breed

Mobs That Raid[edit | edit source]

Coming Soon

Specific Mobs[edit | edit source]

The following lists are specific to each mob

id: <TAG_String>
Entity ID.
pos: <TAG_List>
[<TAG_Double>, <TAG_Double>, <TAG_Double>]
Three doubles describe current X, Y, Z position of entity
Motion: <TAG_List>
[<TAG_Double>, <TAG_Double>, <TAG_Double>]
Three doubles describe the current dX, dY, dZ velocities of entity (in metres per tick)
Rotation: <TAG_List>
[<TAG_Float>, <TAG_Float>]
Two floats describe entity's rotation in degrees
  • First float is clockwise rotation around the Y axis, with 0° facing in the positive Z direction, or due south. Ranges from 0.0 to 360.0
  • Second float is declination from the horizon. Ranges from -90.0 (upwards) to +90.0 (downwards)
FallDistance: <TAG_Float>
Distance entity has fallen. Fall damage taken scales with this number. 0 for any entity at rest
Fire: <TAG_Short>
Ticks until a burning entity's fire ends. Negative values are how many ticks an entity can stand in fire before burning. -20 for an entity not on fire
Ticks until an entity runs out of air while underwater. While this value is 0 and the entity is underwater, it takes damage. Fills to 300 for any entity above water
OnGround: <TAG_Byte>
0 for false, 1 for true. True when the entity is touching the ground
NoGravity: <TAG_Byte>
0 for false, 1 for true. If true, entity is unaffected by gravity and stops changing Y position
Dimension: <TAG_Int>
0 for the Overworld, -1 for the Nether, and 1 for the End. Only known to be used for player data
Invulnerable: <TAG_Byte>
0 for false, 1 for true. When true, mobs don't take damage from any source and cannot be moved by force. Objects like item frames cannot be destroyed unless a supporting block is removed
PortalCooldown: <TAG_Int>
Number of ticks until the entity may teleport through a nether portal. Starts at 300 ticks
UUIDMost: <TAG_Long>
The most significant 64 bits of this entity's Universally Unique Identifier (UUID).
UUIDLeast: <TAG_Long>
The least significant 64 bits of this entity's Universally Unique Identifier (UUID).
CustomName: <TAG_String>
The entity's custom name string.
In Minecraft Java Edition 1.14, <TAG_String> must itself have quotes, as well as the standard quotes that go around strings. This means that escape codes are needed for the inner ones, so syntax looks like the following, (if one is to name an entity Gerald).
CustomName: "\"Gerald\""
Another way that this works is by setting it to an apparent compound tag specifying a block of text, done this way:
CustomName: "{\"text\":\"Gerald\"}"
CustomNameVisible: <TAG_Byte>
0 for false, 1 for true. If true, this entity's custom name always appears above its head, whether or not the player is looking at it.
Silent: <TAG_Byte>
0 for false, 1 for true. If true, this entity is silent.
Passengers: <TAG_String>
Data for the entity riding this entity.
Glowing: <TAG_Byte>
-0 for false, 1 for true. When true, the entity has a cartoonish, glowing outline.
Tags: <TAG_String>
List of custom data.
Health: <TAG_Float>
Amount of health an entity has.
AbsorptionAmount: <TAG_Float>
Amount of additional, temporary health added by the Absorption status effect.
HurtTime: <TAG_Short>
Set to 10 when a mob is struck, colouring it red. Decreases by 1 per tick until 0, when the mob turns normal colour again.
HurtByTimestamp: <TAG_Long>
Timestamp in the mob's life when it was last damaged, measured in ticks since its creation.
DeathTime: <TAG_Short>
Number of ticks since the mob's death. 0 for any living mob.
FallFlying: <TAG_Byte>
0 for false, 1 for true. When true and the mob is wearing the elytra, they'll glide.
Attributes: <TAG_List>
[<TAG_Compound>, <TAG_Compound>, ... ]
List of Attributes for a mob.
Attribute Tags
Name: <TAG_String>
Given name for the Attribute. Might be generic.maxHealth or horse.jumpStrength.
Base: <TAG_Double>
Modifiers: <TAG_List>
List of modifiers acting on the Attribute.
Modifier Tags
Name: <TAG_String>
Amount: <TAG_Double>
Operation: <TAG_Int>
UUIDMost: <TAG_Long>
UUIDLeast: <TAG_Long>
ActiveEffects: <TAG_List>
[<TAG_Compound>, <TAG_Compound>, ... ]
List of potion effects.
Effect Tags
Id: <TAG_Byte>
Amplifier: <TAG_Byte>
Duration: <TAG_Int>
Ambient: <TAG_Byte>
ShowParticles: <TAG_Byte>
ShowIcon: <TAG_Byte>
HandItems: <TAG_List>
[<TAG_Compound>, <TAG_Compound>]
Describes items the entity is holding. These Compound Tags have Tags Common to All Items. Slot is discluded.
<TAG_Compound 0>: The item held in the mob's main hand.
<TAG_Compound 1>: The item held in the mob's off-hand.
ArmorItems: <TAG_List>
[<TAG_Compound>, <TAG_Compound>, ... ]
What the entity is wearing. These Compound Tags have Tags Common to All Items. Slot is discluded.
<TAG_Compound 0>: The item worn on the feet.
<TAG_Compound 1>: The item worn on the legs.
<TAG_Compound 2>: The item worn on the chest.
<TAG_Compound 3>: The item worn on the head.
HandDropChances: <TAG_List>
ArmorDropChances: <TAG_List>
DeathLootTable: <TAG_String>
DeathLootTableSeed: <TAG_Long>
CanPickUpLoot: <TAG_Byte>
NoAI: <TAG_Byte>
PersistenceRequired: <TAG_Byte>
LeftHanded: <TAG_Byte>
Team: <TAG_String>
Leashed: <TAG_Byte>
Leash: <TAG_Compound>
BatFlags: <TAG_Byte>
0 when flying, 1 for when resting upside-down.
Template:Data Tags/blaze
Template:Data Tags/cat
Template:Data Tags/cave spider
Template:Data Tags/chicken
Template:Data Tags/cow
id: <TAG_String>
Entity ID.
pos: <TAG_List>
[<TAG_Double>, <TAG_Double>, <TAG_Double>]
Three doubles describe current X, Y, Z position of entity
Motion: <TAG_List>
[<TAG_Double>, <TAG_Double>, <TAG_Double>]
Three doubles describe the current dX, dY, dZ velocities of entity (in metres per tick)
Rotation: <TAG_List>
[<TAG_Float>, <TAG_Float>]
Two floats describe entity's rotation in degrees
  • First float is clockwise rotation around the Y axis, with 0° facing in the positive Z direction, or due south. Ranges from 0.0 to 360.0
  • Second float is declination from the horizon. Ranges from -90.0 (upwards) to +90.0 (downwards)
FallDistance: <TAG_Float>
Distance entity has fallen. Fall damage taken scales with this number. 0 for any entity at rest
Fire: <TAG_Short>
Ticks until a burning entity's fire ends. Negative values are how many ticks an entity can stand in fire before burning. -20 for an entity not on fire
Ticks until an entity runs out of air while underwater. While this value is 0 and the entity is underwater, it takes damage. Fills to 300 for any entity above water
OnGround: <TAG_Byte>
0 for false, 1 for true. True when the entity is touching the ground
NoGravity: <TAG_Byte>
0 for false, 1 for true. If true, entity is unaffected by gravity and stops changing Y position
Dimension: <TAG_Int>
0 for the Overworld, -1 for the Nether, and 1 for the End. Only known to be used for player data
Invulnerable: <TAG_Byte>
0 for false, 1 for true. When true, mobs don't take damage from any source and cannot be moved by force. Objects like item frames cannot be destroyed unless a supporting block is removed
PortalCooldown: <TAG_Int>
Number of ticks until the entity may teleport through a nether portal. Starts at 300 ticks
UUIDMost: <TAG_Long>
The most significant 64 bits of this entity's Universally Unique Identifier (UUID).
UUIDLeast: <TAG_Long>
The least significant 64 bits of this entity's Universally Unique Identifier (UUID).
CustomName: <TAG_String>
The entity's custom name string.
In Minecraft Java Edition 1.14, <TAG_String> must itself have quotes, as well as the standard quotes that go around strings. This means that escape codes are needed for the inner ones, so syntax looks like the following, (if one is to name an entity Gerald).
CustomName: "\"Gerald\""
Another way that this works is by setting it to an apparent compound tag specifying a block of text, done this way:
CustomName: "{\"text\":\"Gerald\"}"
CustomNameVisible: <TAG_Byte>
0 for false, 1 for true. If true, this entity's custom name always appears above its head, whether or not the player is looking at it.
Silent: <TAG_Byte>
0 for false, 1 for true. If true, this entity is silent.
Passengers: <TAG_String>
Data for the entity riding this entity.
Glowing: <TAG_Byte>
-0 for false, 1 for true. When true, the entity has a cartoonish, glowing outline.
Tags: <TAG_String>
List of custom data.
Health: <TAG_Float>
Amount of health an entity has.
AbsorptionAmount: <TAG_Float>
Amount of additional, temporary health added by the Absorption status effect.
HurtTime: <TAG_Short>
Set to 10 when a mob is struck, colouring it red. Decreases by 1 per tick until 0, when the mob turns normal colour again.
HurtByTimestamp: <TAG_Long>
Timestamp in the mob's life when it was last damaged, measured in ticks since its creation.
DeathTime: <TAG_Short>
Number of ticks since the mob's death. 0 for any living mob.
FallFlying: <TAG_Byte>
0 for false, 1 for true. When true and the mob is wearing the elytra, they'll glide.
Attributes: <TAG_List>
[<TAG_Compound>, <TAG_Compound>, ... ]
List of Attributes for a mob.
Attribute Tags
Name: <TAG_String>
Given name for the Attribute. Might be generic.maxHealth or horse.jumpStrength.
Base: <TAG_Double>
Modifiers: <TAG_List>
List of modifiers acting on the Attribute.
Modifier Tags
Name: <TAG_String>
Amount: <TAG_Double>
Operation: <TAG_Int>
UUIDMost: <TAG_Long>
UUIDLeast: <TAG_Long>
ActiveEffects: <TAG_List>
[<TAG_Compound>, <TAG_Compound>, ... ]
List of potion effects.
Effect Tags
Id: <TAG_Byte>
Amplifier: <TAG_Byte>
Duration: <TAG_Int>
Ambient: <TAG_Byte>
ShowParticles: <TAG_Byte>
ShowIcon: <TAG_Byte>
HandItems: <TAG_List>
[<TAG_Compound>, <TAG_Compound>]
Describes items the entity is holding. These Compound Tags have Tags Common to All Items. Slot is discluded.
<TAG_Compound 0>: The item held in the mob's main hand.
<TAG_Compound 1>: The item held in the mob's off-hand.
ArmorItems: <TAG_List>
[<TAG_Compound>, <TAG_Compound>, ... ]
What the entity is wearing. These Compound Tags have Tags Common to All Items. Slot is discluded.
<TAG_Compound 0>: The item worn on the feet.
<TAG_Compound 1>: The item worn on the legs.
<TAG_Compound 2>: The item worn on the chest.
<TAG_Compound 3>: The item worn on the head.
HandDropChances: <TAG_List>
ArmorDropChances: <TAG_List>
DeathLootTable: <TAG_String>
DeathLootTableSeed: <TAG_Long>
CanPickUpLoot: <TAG_Byte>
NoAI: <TAG_Byte>
PersistenceRequired: <TAG_Byte>
LeftHanded: <TAG_Byte>
Team: <TAG_String>
Leashed: <TAG_Byte>
Leash: <TAG_Compound>
powered: <TAG_Byte>
0 is false, 1 is true. If set to true, this creeper is lightning-charged
ignited: <TAG_Byte>
0 is false, 1 is true. If true, this creeper has been ignited by Flint and Steel
ExplosionRadius: <TAG_Byte>
Determines the explosive radius if the creeper explodes. Default is 3
fuse: <TAG_Short>
Determines the time in ticks the creeper will hiss before exploding. Default is 30
Template:Data Tags/dolphin
Template:Data Tags/donkey
Template:Data Tags/drowned
Template:Data Tags/elder guardian
Template:Data Tags/enderman
Template:Data Tags/endermite
Template:Data Tags/evoker
Template:Data Tags/ghast
Template:Data Tags/giant
Template:Data Tags/guardian
Template:Data Tags/horse
Template:Data Tags/husk
Template:Data Tags/illager beast
Template:Data Tags/
Template:Data Tags/
Template:Data Tags/
Template:Data Tags/
Template:Data Tags/
Template:Data Tags/
Template:Data Tags/ocelot
Template:Data Tags/
Template:Data Tags/
Template:Data Tags/
Template:Data Tags/
Template:Data Tags/
Template:Data Tags/
Template:Data Tags/
Template:Data Tags/
Template:Data Tags/
Template:Data Tags/
Template:Data Tags/
Template:Data Tags/
Template:Data Tags/
Template:Data Tags/
Template:Data Tags/
Template:Data Tags/
Template:Data Tags/stray
Template:Data Tags/
Template:Data Tags/
Template:Data Tags/
Template:Data Tags/
Template:Data Tags/
Template:Data Tags/
Template:Data Tags/
Template:Data Tags/wolf
IsBaby: <TAG_Byte>
0 is false, 1 is true. If value is 1, this zombie is a baby.
IsVillager: <TAG_Byte>
0 is false, 1 is true. If value is true, this zombie is an undead villager.
CanBreakDoors: <TAG_Byte>
0 is false, 1 is true. If value is true, this zombie can break wooden doors.
DrownedConversionTime: <TAG_Long>
Counts down the number of ticks until this zombie converts into the drowned. Default -1 for a zombie above water.
InWaterTime: <TAG_Long>
Number of ticks this zombie has been under water. Default -1 for a zombie above water.
Template:Data Tags/
Template:Data Tags/
Template:Data Tags/zombie villager

Other[edit | edit source]

Tags Common to All Items
Template:Common Tags/Items
Tags Common to All Block Entities
Template:Common Tags/Block Entities
Tags Common to All Minecart Types
Template:Common Tags/Minecart Types
Tags Common to All Projectiles
Template:Common Tags/Projectiles

To Be Removed[edit | edit source]

The rest of this page is likely to be removed.

Blocks ("/setblock" or "/fill")[edit | edit source]

Containers[edit | edit source]

Items: []The ID and other info of an item.

|_ id: {}The ID of the item.

|_ Slot: {}The slot number. Note that this starts at 0, not 1.

|_ tag: {}Other info of the item.

Items (/give)[edit | edit source]

All Items[edit | edit source]

Enchantments: Enchantments on the item.

|_ An enchantement. (List)

       |_ id: The name of the enchantment. Cannot be a number.
       |_ lvl: The level of the enchant. Range is -32768 to 32767.

display: Display properties.

|_ Name: The Custom Name of the item. Range of characters that can be used seems to be infinite.

       |_ Name: ["{\"text\":\"enter custom name here\"}"]

|_ color: The Custom Color of Leather Armor.

|_ Lore: The description of an item. Separate lines of text with a comma after the bracket, prior to the last quotation mark

       |_ Lore: ["{\"text\":\"a line of text\"}"]

Potions[edit | edit source]

CustomPotionEffects: Custom effects that a potion will have.

|_ A potion effect.

       |_ Id: The ID of the effect.
       |_ Duration: The duration of the potion effect.
       |_ Amplifier: The potency (+1) of the effect. Kept at 0 to keep a level 1 effect.
       |_ Ambient: (0/1) 0 is false, 1 is true. True if the effect is provided
by a beacon and thus should be less intrusive on screen.

Written Book[edit | edit source]

author: The author of the book.

title: The title of the book.

pages: The pages in the book.

|_ A page. Separate pages with a comma.

Tools[edit | edit source]

Unbreakable: (0b/1b) 0b is false, 1b is true. If value is 1b, the tool will never lose durability.

CanDestroy: What blocks this tool can destroy when in adventure mode.

        |_ A block ID.

CanPlaceOn: What blocks can be placed on in adventure mode.

        |_ A block ID.

Title and Tellraw[edit | edit source]

/title: /title (PlayerName) [(sub)title] {text:"PutTextHere",color:"PutColorHere"},(Optional){text:"MoreTextHere",color"PutColorHere"} (Add [] to enclose if doing multiple text tags)

/tellraw: /tellraw (PlayerName) {text:"PutTextHere",color:"PutColorHere"},(Optional){text:"PutTextHere",color:"PutColorHere"} (Add [] to enclose if doing multiple text tags)