User blog:Drevskich/A great seed for survival gameplay! Highly recommened.

From Minecraft Wiki

Amazing seed for Minecraft (1.4.6):


Great for survival gameplay. You start of, in the middle of a forest, dessert, snow-forrest and jungle biome (Means you have the 4 main biomes right next to each other), and you spawn right next to a small village, where i found 3 diamonds, 7 iron ingots, an iron helmet and 3 iron pickaxes.

Aswell, right under there is tunnels, with plenty of ressources, including this one dungeon i've found so far (Zombie-spawn insiude).

This seed is ideal for survival, giving you everything for a good game. The only downside is the tunnels, which makes the "Artifical" tunnels hard to make.

But defintly try this one out!

(Btw, Admins, had hard time to figure out, where to exactly put this up. I made it as a page, i hope you can somehow moce it to the right place, unless i did the right thing).Drevskich (talk) 19:39, December 29, 2012 (UTC)